- Edinburgh 0131 516 7561
- Glasgow
30 July 2012 | JC's comments
Just as I was in the thick of conversation with Hi-Fi reviewer Roy Gregory discussing the Development of The VPI brand in the UK my door bell rang. Enter dishwasher repair man, with his accepting nod I continued my call. Eventually having completed putting the world to right with Roy and agreeing to make further step towards improving service in the UK Hi-Fi industry I now focussed my attentions on the repair man.
“Can ye no open it when it’s running” was to the opening line, not what I was expecting from him, he had just started it on a 142 minute wash cycle! “Not sure” was my reply. The conversation was all down hill from there and he left me to monitor the progress of the machine having concluded that the newly reset angle on the waste hose may fix my issue. He also pointed out that he didn’t really know the brand but would come back and have another go if things didn’t improve. Needless to say, my confidence in the “fix” is low.
This left me thinking, what is the perception of customers when they get a visit from us Hi-Fi guys. Normally I feel welcomed, tolerated and happy on departure that problems have been solved, sounds have been improved and plans laid to fix any other ‘not fully dealt with niggles'( more often than not I have also had a nice cup of coffee or a glass of wine). That is however my perception but I fear that this is not always the case when customers wave goodbye to the guy from the Hi-Fi shop. If you fall into this group, please share your experience with others by posting a short reply. And I also am sure there are great dishwasher service people out there who may need a mention too!